The next production task is a little bit more complicated, but it should help you to learn the following things:
- How and what to research when exploring CODES AND CONVENTIONS.
- How to create mock-ups.
- How to produce a front cover and contents page for a magazine.
- How to follow a brief.
The brief:
You work for an independent media production company that specialises in producing content for teenagers and young adults who are well educated and socially conscious. You have been contacted by The Big Issue, and have been tasked with producing a front cover and contents page for their magazine, which is designed to attract 16 to 25 years olds who would identify themselves as socially conscious. Your magazine should be recognisable as a copy of The Big Issue magazine, but you may make some changes to the format to target your audience more specifically.
Your response to this brief should include:
1) A PowerPoint presentation that shows your understanding of the codes and conventions of The Big Issue.
(Post title - BIG ISSUE - Research into Codes and Conventions of The Big Issue).
2) Mock-ups of two possible front covers.
(Post Title - BIG ISSUE - Mock Up Covers)
3) A Mock-up layout of your contents page.
(Post Title - BIG ISSUE - Mock Up Contents)
4) Your finished production, including one front cover and one contents page.
(Post Title - BIG ISSUE - Finished Production)
Your cover MUST use ALL ORIGINAL IMAGES. Your contents page must contain a minimum of TWO ORIGINAL IMAGES.
NB: All of these posts should be included in the Practice Tasks section of your blog. You will be graded against a real mark scheme, but it will not count toward your ACTUAL coursework mark.
Below is a link to the briefs being followed by the current Year 13.
H409/03/04 Making media Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) Briefs June 2023 (
The marking criteria can be found on pages 9 and 10.
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