Tuesday, 7 March 2023

03 C and C Production and 04 C and C Website


You should make a careful examination of the codes and conventions of the genre you are producing. This can be displayed in the form of a blog post, a video essay, a PowerPoint presentation, or any combination of these. You should include a variety of examples and finally a list of codes and conventions. THIS LIST IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT WILL INFORM YOUR STATEMENT OF INTENT.

For Print - Magazines
Image - including Mise en Scene, Lighting, Framing, Representation
Shot Type - Shot Length and Angle
Typography - including fonts, colour choices, size of text
Layout and Design - including relationship of text and image, use of linearity, use of columns, use of edges, captions, empty space, sections, placement, sell lines (don't forget date, price, barcode)
Language - Consider tone, register, techniques, word choice - also consider how this relates to typography
Colours - This should be applied across Image, Typography, Language and Layout
Audience - In all cases, you need to consider how the codes and conventions appeal to the target audience.

For Audio-Visual - TV/Music Video
Mise en Scene - Costume, Hair and Makeup, Props, Proxemics, Framing, Representation
Lighting - Naturalistic, Expressionistic, Specific Styles (See Chart on LIGHTING website)
Shot Type and Camera Movement - Shot Length, Angle, Tilt, Zoom, Track, Pan
Editing - Relationship of Sound to image, Continuity editing, Pace, Relationship of shots
Sound (FX) - Diegetic, Non Diegetic, Relationship to editing
Credits - Typography, Layout, Language
Audience - In all cases, you need to consider how the codes and conventions appeal to the target audience.

For Website:
All the same elements as Print and Audio-Visual 
PLUS - Opportunities for interactivity.


Digital Convergence
Acknowledge anything that encourages the audience to access digitally convergent technology. 
e.g. Web address, Q.R. Code (including call to action), Links to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc., Subscribe button etc. 

Deadline for completion 21/04/2023

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