Sunday 12 May 2024


The first task for this week is going to be a change to the format of your blog. It will be a little laborious, but not difficult. You will need to change the labels on your blogposts so that they create the following format:

01 Coursework Brief

02 Statement of Intent

03 Research - Production

04 Research - Website

05 Planning - Production

06 Planning - Website

07 Completed - Production

08 Completed - Website

Practice Tasks


01 Coursework Brief

Copy and paste the brief from the exam board into this section. You do NEED to do anything else, but it could be useful to highlight key elements and/or add in notes on anything that will serve to remind you of important elements.

02 Statement of Intent

Based on your research into existing media, you will write about your intentions for your production and website. You will need to address the following questions.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? ( approx. 400 words) 

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

03 Research - Production

This should contain a post called INSPIRATION, which contains links or images of anything you found inspirational during your research into existing magazines, music videos or TV programmes

It should contain a second post called CODES AND CONVENTIONS, which starts with a bullet pointed list of the codes and conventions you have discovered, followed by an illustration of those conventions (Possibly in the form of a PowerPoint presentation).

NB: This should also include anything you have noticed that encourages convergence.

It COULD contain a third post called AUDIENCE RESEARCH, which you will need to include if you intend to challenge the codes and conventions of existing media. You will need to show that your choice to challenge existing media is based on consulting with your target audience.

04 Research - Website

This should contain a post called INSPIRATION, which contains links or images of anything you found inspirational during your research into existing websites.

It should contain a second post called CODES AND CONVENTIONS which starts with a bullet pointed list of the codes and conventions you have discovered, followed by an illustration of those conventions (Possibly in the form of a PowerPoint presentation).

It COULD contain a third post called AUDIENCE RESEARCH which you will need to include if you intend to challenge the codes and conventions of existing media. You will need to show that your choice to challenge existing media is based on consulting with your target audience.

05 Planning - Production

MAGAZINE: This MUST contain a post called MOCK UPS, which contains a mock up version of your magazines. You MAY use found images or AI generated images, but you SHOULD think very carefully about how you will create the real version of each image.

MUSIC VIDEO: This MUST contain a post called SHOOTING SCRIPT or STORYBOARD (You can include both). You MAY use found images or AI to helps create your storyboard, or perhaps a version of the final video using stills. You SHOULD think very carefully about how you will create the real shots.

TV PROGRAMME: This MUST contain a post called SHOOTING SCRIPT or STORYBOARD (You can include both). You MAY use found images or AI to helps create your storyboard, or perhaps a version of the final video using stills. You SHOULD think very carefully about how you will create the real shots.

If you do any research into locations, actors/models, technical tutorials (e.g. how to use photoshop, how to use the camera etc.) it should have a separate post in this section.

06 Planning - Website

This MUST contain a post called MOCK UPS, which contains a mock up version of your website. You MAY use found images or AI generated images, but you SHOULD think very carefully about how you will create the real version of each image. You will need to post screen captures of your mock up website. 

07 Completed - Production

This section MUST be only one post, which should contain a clearly labelled version of your completed Magazine, Music Video or T.V. Show, or a link taking you to them. 

08 Completed - Website

This section MUST contain only one post, formatted in the following way:

WEBSITE HOMEPAGE: Link to your homepage

HYPERLINKED PAGE: Link to your hyperlinked page.

AUDIO-VISUAL ELEMENT: Very clear description of your audio-visual element and exactly where to find it on your website.

NAVIGATION: Very clear explanation of how to navigate from your homepage to your hyperlinked page.

Practice Tasks

Any content that is not directly related to your coursework.


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