Saturday 31 August 2024



Analyse the way that Media Language is used to present social and cultural contexts in Source A (The Daily Mail) and Source B (The Guardian Online).​

Apply Levi-Strauss theories about structuralism in your answer.


On March 7th, 2021, Meghan Duchess of Sussex gave an Interview to Oprah Winfrey in which she accused the Royal Family of racism. This came just a few hours after the Queen's speech to the British Commonwealth in which she stressed the importance of duty.




Levi-Strauss theorises that all narratives are organised into binary oppositions. By analysing the underlying oppositions within a text, we may understand the ideological positions that are being taken.  In addition, these binary oppositions may be used as a shorthand to clarify ideas or as a way to make narratives compelling. They may also be used to construct easily identifiable character and to encourage audience identification.

TASK 1: 

Look carefully at the paragraph below and use the mark scheme to grade it.

  • As if it was the first paragraph in an essay.
  • As if it followed the introduction above.

The two images encode a binary opposition between Markle - connoting selfishness and progressivism - and the Queen - connoting duty and traditionalism. Her smile and direct mode of address positions the reader to identify with the Queen, while Markle is looking off camera and appears smug. The text is constructing the underlying ideological assumption that it values traditionalism and duty (right-wing cultural values) over progressivism (a left-wing cultural value) and selfishness. This messaging appeals to the right-wing values of Daily Mail readers.  The anchoring text furth encodes the opposition between the Queen making a 'Speech' as British monarch and Markle 'Speaking Out' against her treatment. Daily Mail readers are socially conservative and patriotic so they will respect the Queen being dutiful, but will view Markle's speaking publicly about private issues as distasteful. 


1. Answer the question [0,1,2]​     2. Correctly characterise the theory [0,1,2]​ 

3. Use specific and detailed examples [0,1,2]​      4. Apply the theory to the examples [0,1,2]​

5. Use Media Studies terminology [0,1,2]

TASK 2: 

Take 15 minutes to write a second paragraph based on your discussion of:

  • Banner Headline​     
  • Sub headline​
  • Stand first​
  • Sub-headline 2​
  • and Teasers (MAYBE)?
You may wish to refer back to the previous paragraph and to the Mark Scheme to help you structure your response. Once you have completed your paragraph, post it to the comments section below.

TASK 3: 

Now look at Source B. Discuss and annotate the extract thinking about Levi-Strauss and Social and Cultural context. Focus on:
  • Image​
  • Anchoring Text​
  • Headline​
  • Sub-headlines​
  • Bullets​
  • Standfirst​
  • Copy​ (The body of writing)​
  • Read more​ (Treat it like a teaser)​?
  • Most viewed​ (Treat it like a teaser)?
Prepare for 20 minute timed essay on the second source.

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